When you are up to Step into shipping and receiving packages, Tracking is important to be concerned about in this scenario. Whatever you want is shipped by the seller and you cannot control your curiosity about when to get it, so You immediately resort to tracking things to seek updates on the status and location of your package.

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Knowing the exact location and estimated delivery times of the package makes all the difference for you. Liberating you from anxiety is all the domain of tracking. This is where P2P TRAKPAK Tracking comes to assist. Here is the information to guide you through the ways of tracking your shipments and couriers.

What is P2P TrakPak?

P2P Mailing is a company that provides logistics and apply chain solutions for e-commerce. It includes tracking solutions such as TRAKPAK, Express, and TRAKPAK Lite Plus. P2P tracking includes seamless integration and operational efficiency of shipments or packages.


Staying informed about the shipments and packages is the right of individuals using a shipment service. P2P enjoys a monopoly for providing its customers with the tracking opportunity to get visualness of shipping details, and actual updates about the shipments along the journey.